2025 STANDING OVATION AWARDS Submit Your Nomination HereLeadingAge Maine & New Hampshire is proud to honor Provider Members whose programs, team members and residents embody excellence in leadership, care and service innovation with this year’s STANDING OVATION AWARDS! DEADLINE EXTENDED! Nominations are now due by Friday, March 14th! Recipients will be honored at our 2025 Conference on Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Portland Sheraton at Sable Oaks conference venue. Individual and organizational honorees will be notified by April 4th. Each will receive one (1) complimentary, full-conference badge as well as two (2) guest passes to the May 6th lunch that may be offered to family, friends or co-workers. Additional scholarship support for travel expenses may be considered. Gone are specific award categories and criteria. We accept nominations for any stand-out individual and/or organization that has made noteworthy contributions. We invite you to share an illustrative story about a team member or volunteer’s above-and-beyond commitment or highlight your own organization’s pursuit of excellence. Not sure how to get started? Consider characteristics such as these which are often reflected in top-notch teams and organizations: