ABOUT VALUE FIRSTValue First is a group purchasing organization (GPO) that provides free, no obligation services for senior living communities that can reduce their operational costs through discounted pricing and rebates on food, medical, environmental and office supplies as well as capital equipment. Value First is owned by LeadingAge and 25 state affiliates. Value First specializes in supporting the purchasing needs of LeadingAge members based on our extensive experience and knowledge of senior living communities. LeadingAge members gain access to cost saving purchasing programs with best-in-class suppliers through Value First and its partnership with HPSI, an Avendra Group Company. Visit https://www.value1stonline.com/ For more information, including the opportunity for a no-obligation cost study – a line item comparison of your current spend on supplies with the power of ValueFirst purchasing – please contact: Den Miciletto Value First Sales Liaison – New England, NY & NJ Mobile 917.370.6518 Office 518.867.8383 ex.160 Fax 518.867.8384 |