LeadingAge Maine & New Hampshire
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SAVE THE DATE: 2025 Annual Conference
Tuesday, May 06, 2025 8:00 AM EST to Wednesday, May 07, 2025
Category: Events

We took the hint from mother nature and are piloting a shift to May!

Day 1: May 6, 2025
Conference: 8:30am – 3:30pm
EXPO 3:30pm – 5:00pm

Day 2: May 7, 2025
Conference: 8:00am – 12:00pm

Sheraton Sable Oaks
South Portland, ME 

At the LeadingAge Maine & New Hampshire Annual Conference, you’ll connect with passionate leaders and dedicated professionals who share your commitment to transforming aging services. Together, we’ll share powerful stories, support one another, and create waves of positive change — building a future where every older adult thrives. As a member of a community that cares deeply and works tirelessly to foster compassion and innovation, your presence truly matters. Join us as we come together to further our impact!

This year's conference will feature the return of the always popular

Innovation Exchange

Submit your topic now

Back by popular demand, this program is a conference favorite. The Innovation Exchange is a "speed dating" event for good ideas!

How it Works - In this fast-paced, highly interactive session, participants will travel from table to table to learn about innovative concepts and programs developed by LeadingAge Maine & New Hampshire members. Each table will feature a presenter who will explain their organization’s innovation, then follow with Q & A. Participants will move to a new table every 15 minutes for four rounds.

To be considered as a presenter, click HERE to complete a very brief submission form. The deadline to submit your topic is February 21st. You will be notified no later than April 4th if your topic is chosen. Thank you for sharing your good work!

Submissions due by February 21st!

Overnight Accommodations
A block of rooms is available at the Sheraton Sable Oaks for a reduce rate of $157 per night (plus taxes and fees). Attendees can make reservations by clicking HERE or by calling the hotel directly at 207-871-8000 and referencing the LeadingAge Maine and New Hampshire Annual Conference room block.

Questions about the conference? Contact Lynn Monaghan, Special Projects Manager - [email protected]